
What is the Compulsory School Attendance Age?

The legal age for starting school will depend on the State laws where you live. Please contact your headmistress for more information on your state.

May we put our child back into public school if private schooling does not work out?

Of course, you may. However, private schooling should not to be done on a trial basis. Research the issue as carefully as possible, and make a prayerful decision. If returned to public school, there is no guarantee that the school will put the student into the correct grade. Testing may be insisted upon, and the tests may be harder than other children have had to take in similar grades. In High School, credits may or may not be counted. This may affect graduating with the class they expected to be with.

While we do not recommend private schooling as a trial, you may find that it is not working out to the student's benefit for you to keep him/her out of public school. Only you and your family can decide the best course to choose.

How may I decide upon a schedule?

Set aside regular hours for academics, while being flexible. Often, the first year is the hardest, because some expect home schooling to be exactly like public school. This is not the case, just relax, and enjoy having your children close to you during these difficult times we are living in! Schedules vary, but most do school in the morning and other activities in the afternoon. Suit your family needs and give your children some flexibility. You may wish to read up on time management or organizational skills. Provide educational tools that enhance their abilities. First get to know the needs of your students, and consider the needs of others in the family as well. You may wish to divide school time, some in the morning and some in the evening on some days.

What about awards, certificates, ID cards, and diplomas?

These are available through your local NSS office. Please contact your headmistress for more information.

What is the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) and why do we need it?

HSLDA is a group of lawyers who are prepared to help you with your choice of private education, including home schooling if you wish. They are united in supporting you in your educational choices. HSLDA understands the laws you will operate under, and you may call them at any time for legal advice. Should anyone question your educational choices for your children, HSLDA will come to your aid. If your family has had legal problems in the past, do not hesitate to explain this to them; they can usually still defend you. HSLDA does not provide services for custody disputes.

Their concerns include supervision of the children as they are educated, curriculum being adequate, shared teaching responsibilities, and employment schedules. In general, New System School families are usually accepted because of the diligence of our parents in accepting their responsibilities. We would like to see that continue, and you can help!

Obtaining HSLDA membership is a requirement for New System School parents. This group deals with all kinds of situations. They have helped New System School as a whole and individual member families many times in emergency situations. Just a call or letter from them has prevented many problems with local school boards or overzealous public school staff members.

How will you know what laws you are operating under? Since laws vary from state to state, it is a real challenge to keep up with all the details. New System School makes every effort to keep informed, trying to help you place your educational arrangement under the least restrictive and most beneficial set of laws. Your state may have different laws governing home schools, private schools, and church-related schools. Understanding your legal position is primarily your responsibility. If asked, HSLDA will help you understand these laws and other details about your legal position.

New System School has a group discount number and you may use it if you are enrolled or are enrolling in NSS. HSLDA provides us a list of New System School members in each state. The annual fee is normally $135.00 per family; however, with our group discount the annual fee is reduced to only $120.00 per year, or, if needed, $14.00 per month. HSLDA will send you a renewal reminder approximately one month before the membership fee is due each year. Having an HSLDA membership is required for New System School families as long as you have a student in the compulsory school education age range.

What about testing or keeping a portfolio?

New System School requires each student be either tested, or keep a portfolio of each subject for each school year. We have free testing available to members for K-9. If other testing is required, your package should explain, or contact your headmistress for more information.


  • My child is under compulsory school age. Do I have to enroll him anywhere?
    No. You may do so if you wish. You may teach the child Kindergarten, etc., without being in any school at ages under compulsory school laws. Many children read before then. We have a form that you can report this work on if you use NSS later.

  • Oh, oh! My young student isn't interested in school, reading, or academics! Help!
    If the child has not learned to read, remember that many are not ready at a very early age.. Some have had their natural desire to learn stifled by institutional programs, and will soon blossom right in front of your eyes! Read to the child. Provide little short books that may interest him. Let the child see you enjoy reading and he will soon learn to love reading.

  • How do we teach a child to read?
    There are inexpensive books that really work. The enrollment package should give you some information on that. For children who need lower level reading for all subjects, Steck-Vaughn has inexpensive books that will help.

  • My child is reading already! How can I keep him from "getting bored?"
    You may allow them to advance quickly, and provide higher level grade work materials if you wish. There is no shortage of materials!


  1. Parents are primarily the ones responsible for the education of their children. (Whether the children are schooled privately or publicly.)

  2. Education should encompass Fear of Jehovah, Respect for Authority, and Sound Bible Education.

  3. Education should cultivate Thinking and Reading Ability.

  4. Education should provide Practical Skills for adult living.

  5. Education should enable recipients to be Responsible Christians.

  6. Education should encourage Good Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual Health, and enable one to relate to people various backgrounds, interests, and beliefs.

  7. Education should assist one to avoid that which would have a detrimental effect on one's mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, and moral health.

  8. New System School, Inc., while recommending social awareness, does not itself adhere to evolution, nationalism, racism, worldly philosophy, pagan festivities, or excessive competition.

A central purpose for New System School, Inc., is to support parents in their endeavor to have their children grow up to be responsible Christians that contribute to society in a productive way. New System School, Inc., is international in scope, therefore, while the students will be taught world, national, and local views, in social, political, cultural, economic, and other areas, they will also be taught Christian neutrality. New System School, Inc., will not support political involvement, revolutions, or religious intervention in affairs of governments. It is our belief that a Christian's purpose in life is to glorify God (Col. 3:23, 24)(Heb. 13:5)(Rev. 15:4), and direct others to His Kingdom. (Mt. 24:14) This heavenly government is the total solution to mankind's problems, and living by Bible standards of Christian conduct will prevent a multitude of disasters in the lives of our students. (Prov. 22:3)

As children grow, God's Word, the Bible (John 17:3), will be the textbook for instruction for their standard of conduct (Gal. 5:22,23). Daily Bible reading (Josh. 1:8) will be reinforced through publications such as LEARN FROM THE GREAT TEACHER for young students, and QUESTIONS YOUNG PEOPLE ASK--ANSWERS THAT WORK for pre-teens and teenagers. A wide variety of other publications assist families to apply Bible standards of conduct in their homes. Children who resist such fine direction are patiently and kindly assisted by parents, as well as being provided association at local places of worship, where the local congregation provides specific spiritual guidance, using Matt. 18 where applicable. Parents who wish to keep such children enrolled in New System School, Inc., to continue their academic, spiritual, and emotional progress may do so, as long as the children remain at home.